PIN meetings enable business owners and professionals to quickly get to know, like and trust each other.
Cross-referrals are the natural outcome and new clients are the result.
Meet your disciples
Structured PIN meetings organically foster a sense of community and teamwork. Our chapters enable professionals to get to know and trust each other. Cross-referrals are the natural outcome. New clients are the result.
Elevate your brand
Be better known in your local market. Beyond name recognition, being a PIN member creates a common bond among all members, from those within a shared chapter to those in other chapters. Enjoy cross-referrals between members all over the Tampa Bay area.
Become more valuable to your clients
Your fellow PIN members will make you a hero with your clients. You will be valued not only for your own expertise but also for your network of advisors you can bring in from other fields as needs arise. PIN members can collaborate on challenges to meet their clients’ needs and become go-to resources.